
13 May 2013

Plastic Surgeon Salary in USA

Cash is Paper.... Credit Cards are Plastic , whatever it may be, you sure need some serious money in nay form, if you wanna use the services of a Plastic Surgeon. Hollywood needs them all the time!
Here's are some average plastic surgeon salary in USA:

Houston, TX: $ 299,000/-
Los Angeles, CA: $ 326,000/-
Miami, FL: $300,000/-
New York, NY: $341,000/-

Seattle, WA: $317,000/-

 National Average Plastic Surgeon Salary: $298,000/-

And then again, according to Plastic Surgeon - Dr. Caroline A. Glicksman, Plastic Surgeons in California can make upto 4 Million Dollars a year while some others stay put with 200,000 $ a year while paying 50,000$ a year in Malpractice Insurance Premiums. All depends on how busy you wanna get !

How to Get into Plastic Surgery ? 

Let me quote text from the Harvard Program:

"There are two tracks : (1) an independent three-year program open to applicants who have completed at least three years of a general surgery residency or other approved prerequisite residency, and (2) an integrated six-year program open to applicants who have completed medical school. In the six-year program, the first three years will be spent in a general surgery residency with general surgery rotations and rotations specifically relevant to plastic surgery; the final three years will be spent doing a program identical to that of the independent three-year program residents."
Obviously very difficult for IMGs - but there have been a few who made it with proper planning, clinical exposure, knowing the right people and of course - superb surgical skills !

NOTE: Plastic Surgeon Salary here are the 50th Percentile Salaries and may apply to mid-career levels - the lower percentile salaries (for fresh physicians) may actually be lower by 30,000- 40,000 $

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