
13 May 2013

Pulmonologist Salary in USA

The salary of pulmonologist in USA is not as high as you may think. After 2 years of Fellowship training starting salary of pulmonologist is not too high, being on average level in comparison to other medical professionals.

Look at annual pulmonologist salary in USA: 

Average Pulmonologist Salary, $
New York, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Seattle, WA
Houston, TX
Miami, FL

Pulmonology is not a very attractive specialty due to hectic lifestyle. But from the other side - it's one of the most popular among IMGs, who found pulmonology much less competitive in comparison to other fields of Internal Medicine. 

How to become a Pulmonologist  in USA ?

This specialty, classified as an Internal Medicine Sub-specialty, is accessible as a fellowship after completing a residency in Internal Medicine - ( a big reason why Internal Medicine is attractive - loads of specialization options !!) Salaries are impressive, as they are for most specialists. (By the way, for the non-medicos who happen to read this blog, a pulmonologist is the physician who checks out your lungs).

How Long is Pulmonology Fellowship Training ?

Usually the duration for a Pulmonary medicine fellowship is 2 years, but could be more at some places with advanced training options or when it is combined with another related specialty like Critical Care fellowship - for example the University California San Diego Fellowship program.

A recently emerging specialization after pulmonary fellowship is Interventional Pulmonology.

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