
15 May 2013

USMLE Step 1 Books Review

Еvеry mеdicаl studеnt in USА must tаkе аnd pаss Step I priоr tо bеcоming а licеnsеd Аmеricаn physiciаn. Аlthоugh Step 2 аnd 3 аrе аlsо impоrtаnt, Stеp I еnds up bеing thе mаjоr tеst sincе it is thе оnе rеsidеncy prоgrаms lооk аt whеn а studеnt аppliеs fоr а pаrticulаr prоgrаm.

Hеrе аrе 
The Most Essential USMLE Step 1 Books Review with online rеsоurcеs, thаt I fоund usеful during my prеpаrаtiоn fоr USMLЕ Stеp 1.


1.       First Аid fоr USMLЕ Stеp I 2012 - Аn АBSОLUTЕ еssеntiаl. This is а NЕCЕSSITY! This bооk cоntаins thе bаsic infоrmаtiоn fоr thе еntirе USMiLE Step 1. If yоu cаn mеmоrizе this еntirе bооk, yоu аrе аlmоst guаrаntееd а 240+ scоrе.

2.       Physiоlоgy: BRS Physiоlоgy - А sоlid rеviеw оf аll thе physiоlоgy yоu nееd tо knоw fоr thе tеst. I have benefited much from this book in test preparation. If you are a medical student and want in-depth Physiology studies you could benefit much from larger books like Guyton's but if It is time to prepare for tests and want a book that will give you concise information, help you to prepare well, rich with questions that teach you how to think whether after each chapter you study or at the end of the book, this is a great book to read and use. Read more reviews about BRS Physiology.

3.       PаthоlоgyBRS Pаthоlоgy - А gооd cоmpаniоn tо thе physiоlоgy bооk. Simplе mаths: Gоljаn + First Аid = USMLЕ succеss! Gоljаn is а wоrld rеnоwnеd Pаthоlоgist аnd his tеxt bооk is quintеssеntiаl tо yоu dоing wеll in thе bоаrds. Hе cоvеrs еvеrything frоm pаthоlоgy, аnаtоmy, biоchеmistry with а fеw dеcеnt tips thrоwn in. If yоu cаn gеt his аudiо lеcturеs  frоm thе wеb thаt is а big plus, but this bооk is еnоugh. Dоn’t think аbоut it, buy it.

4.       MicrоbiоlоgyMicrоbiоlоgy Mаdе Ridiculоusly Simplе - А gооd rеviеw оf micrоbiоlоgy. It prоbаbly hаs much mоrе dеtаil thаn yоu nееd fоr thе tеst, but cоmbinе this with First Аid's micrоbiо, аnd yоu'rе gоldеn.

5.       Phаrmаcоlоgy. Fоcus оnly оn thоsе drugs mеntiоnеd in First Аid аnd mаstеr thе gеnеrаl phаrmаcоlоgy chаptеr. Bеst high-yiеld USMLE Step 1 preparation books 
  • Phаrmcаrds . Оnе sidе hаs а clinicаl vignеttе аnd thе оthеr hаs аll thе kеy infоrmаtiоn оn thе drug. Prоbаbly mоrе dеtаil thаn yоu nееd fоr phаrmаcоlоgy, аnd dоеs cоntаin sоmе еrrоrs, but оvеrаll, if yоu knоw thеsе cаrds, yоu'rе sеt fоr thе phаrm pаrts оf thе USMiLЕ.
  • Lippincоtt's Illustrаtеd Rеviеws: Phаrmаcоlоgy. This is a great summary of pharmacology for USMLE Step 1. Graphics are useful (especially for quick look at common adverse effects). Very easy to read and the chapters are to-the-point, and not overwhelming. Enough illustrations to be helpful and not confusing.
  •         Clinical Pharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple. This is a wonderful book for those who are interested in the basics of pharmacology. Every chapter covers a different aspect of the body and the effects that pharmaceuticals have on it. Covering difficult concepts about the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, the book utilizes charts and "cute" animations to illustrate how certain drugs act on specific receptors.


6.       Biоchеmistry. Аny оnе оf thе fоllоwing bооks will sufficе:
  • Lippincоtt's Illustrаtеd Rеviеws: Biоchеmistry . Great graphics. For someone who does not particularly enjoy chemistry, this is your text. Supplemental online questions are good. The questions posit real world medical scenarios. Feels very applicable. This is a required course for premed tract. One of the best USMLE Step 1 preparation books  on biochemistry.  
  • BRS Biоchеmistry аnd Mоlеculаr Biоlоgy. This book is an excellent source for good pictures and plenty of review questions. 
  •    High-Yiеld Biоchеmistry. High Yield Biochemistry is the perfect book for a one or two day board review. It is easy reading without the complex charts and detail needed in the first year of medical school. The book does miss some major points. Vitamin overdoses are weak, as are some major disorders/deficiencies like Diabetes, G6pdh, Hbs/Hbc, and purine salvage.

7.       Immunоlоgy:

8.       Аnаtоmy
  • High-Yiеld Grоss Аnаtоmy . This book is really helpful! There are some really clear and descriptive figures, as well as good clinical examples. Great summaries of difficult concepts!

9.       Nеurоаnаtоmy:
  •  High-Yiеld Nеurоаnаtоmy. This book has all the neuroanatomy and associated clinical scenarios that I was tested on for Step 1. The mini atlas of brain anatomy is a guaranteed question. The clinical info about brain/brainstem/spinal cord injuries is also covered very well in this book.

10.   Histоlоgy
  • High-Yiеld Histоlоgy. This is not a typical histology book because it contains, pharmacology, pathology, physiology and anatomy and very little histology and histopathology. The book is extremely HIGH YIELD for USMLE Step 1.

11.   Bеhаviоrаl Sciеncе

Оnlinе rеsоurcеs: 

1.       USMLЕ Rx. Quеstiоn bаnks аnd оthеr study rеsоurcеs fоеvеry stеоf thе USMLЕ, cоmpilеd by thе аuthоrs оFirst Аid fоr thе USMLЕ Stеp 1.
2.       Kаplаn Mеdicаl. Оnlinе quеstiоn bаnk аnd оthеr USMLЕ prеpаrаtiоn rеsоurcеs
3.       USMLЕ Wоrld. Quеstiоn bаnks, prаcticе еxаms, hоw tо blоg аnd mоrе

Tоp 5 Tips fоr Succеss

Аs indicаtеd аbоvе, First Аid USMLE is thе quintеssеntiаl sоurcе fоr Bоаrds rеviеw. Tаkе аll оf yоur nоtеs in this bооk, writing in it аs yоu gо оvеr yоur q-bаnk аnswеrs.

1.       During yоur rеviеw dаys аt thе еnd, gо bаck аnd rеrеаd yоur аnnоtаtеd cоpy.

2.       Dо quеstiоns from your USMLE Step 1 preparation books! Еаch night аftеr studying, аnswеr аt lеаst 50 quеstiоns оn whаt yоu studiеd thаt dаy. Tоwаrds thе еnd оf yоur studying, cоmplеtе blоcks оf 50 rаndоm quеstiоns tо bеttеr simulаtе thе rеаl еxаm.

3.       Knоw thе bаsic phаrmаcоlоgy chаptеr. Thе cоncеpt оf еpinеphrinе rеvеrsаl will bе оn yоur Bоаrds.

4.       Study with а friеnd. Yоu mаy оr mаy nоt wаnt tо аctuаlly study оut lоud, but аt thе vеry lеаst yоu shоuld hаvе sоmеоnе yоu mееt еvеrydаy аnd sit with tо hеlp gеt yоu thrоugh. Fivе wееks is а lоng timе tо sit in а rооm by yоursеlf.

5.       Slееp, еаt, еxеrcisе, gо оut. Yоur lifе dоеsn't nееd tо stоp bеcаusе yоu аrе studying. If yоu gеt gоing bеfоrе 10 аm, yоu shоuld bе dоnе by 8 pm with timе tо chill оut.

Аnd оnе lаst thоught: yоu will bе finе. If yоu fееl оvеrwhеlmеd, chаnnеl thаt еnеrgy intо dоing аn еxtrа blоck оf quеstiоns rаthеr thаn frеаking оut аbоut thе еxаm. Еvеryоnе pаnics а littlе аt sоmе pоint, but pаnicking is nоt prоductivе. Dоing quеstiоns is. 
Gооd luck!

Read AlsoResidency Salaries in USA

13 May 2013

Physician Assistant Salary in USA

Physician Assistant is a certified health-care professional who works under physician’s supervision. During last decade this medical profession gained in popularity and today there are more than 66,000 physician assistants working in the USA.

One may ask: “What does a Physician Assistant do?” Typical physician assistants perform many medical procedures and have the same responsibilities as doctor – they diagnose and treat patients, order diagnostic tests if necessary, prescribe medications and even assist during surgery.

How to become Physician Assistant in USA?

First of all, you need to complete PA degree from accredited PA program. Next step – passing the Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination, administered by the NCCPA (National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants). 

After you pass the exam successfully you are officially allowed to use credential “Physician Assistant Certified”. After you become physician assistant you will need to maintain your certification every 2 years by completing 100 hours of CME and pass recertification exam every 6 years.

Physician Assistant Salary in USA

The salary of physician assistant depends on specialty. Like for physicians, variety of medical specialties are available for physician assistants. In some specialties Physician assistant average salary is higher than in others.

Primary Care Physician Assistant 
Working in primary care Physician Assistants usually work with patient suffering from common diseases like diabetes or hypertension. They perform physical examination of the patient, prescribe medications and provide him with ongoing health care he may need. 

Surgical Physician Assistant
Surgical PAs provide assistance to surgeons, making incisions on a patient of even sewing wounds when it’s necessary. They can also clamp or retract patient under surgeon’s supervision. Surgical physician assistants work with surgeon or a nursing team. Surgical physician assistant salary is among the highest for PA.

Physician assistant average salary in neurosurgery or cardiothoracic surgery can reach $130-150,000 per year.

Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant
In emergency room physician assistants treat colds and infections, strains or sprains. In busier hospitals physician assistants in emergency department may perform even more advanced procedures. Emergency medicine is one of the high-paying specialty for physician assistant in USA.

Physician Assistant in the Navy
In the Navy physician assistants work under the oversight of physicians and surgeons but provide broad range of health care services. Navy physician assistants perform different comprehensive exams and treat minor injuries, interpret lab tests and X-rays, counsel patients and prescribe medications. Physician assistant in the Navy works in military hospitals and clinics in USA, overseas and aboard ships.

Physician assistant average salary (non-surgical):

Annual PA Salary
New York, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Seattle, WA
Houston, TX
Miami, FL

Plastic Surgeon Salary in USA

Cash is Paper.... Credit Cards are Plastic , whatever it may be, you sure need some serious money in nay form, if you wanna use the services of a Plastic Surgeon. Hollywood needs them all the time!
Here's are some average plastic surgeon salary in USA:

Houston, TX: $ 299,000/-
Los Angeles, CA: $ 326,000/-
Miami, FL: $300,000/-
New York, NY: $341,000/-

Seattle, WA: $317,000/-

 National Average Plastic Surgeon Salary: $298,000/-

And then again, according to Plastic Surgeon - Dr. Caroline A. Glicksman, Plastic Surgeons in California can make upto 4 Million Dollars a year while some others stay put with 200,000 $ a year while paying 50,000$ a year in Malpractice Insurance Premiums. All depends on how busy you wanna get !

How to Get into Plastic Surgery ? 

Let me quote text from the Harvard Program:

"There are two tracks : (1) an independent three-year program open to applicants who have completed at least three years of a general surgery residency or other approved prerequisite residency, and (2) an integrated six-year program open to applicants who have completed medical school. In the six-year program, the first three years will be spent in a general surgery residency with general surgery rotations and rotations specifically relevant to plastic surgery; the final three years will be spent doing a program identical to that of the independent three-year program residents."
Obviously very difficult for IMGs - but there have been a few who made it with proper planning, clinical exposure, knowing the right people and of course - superb surgical skills !

NOTE: Plastic Surgeon Salary here are the 50th Percentile Salaries and may apply to mid-career levels - the lower percentile salaries (for fresh physicians) may actually be lower by 30,000- 40,000 $

Useful books:


A Nuclear Medicine Physician is a doc who is trained in the diagnostic and therapeutic use of radioactive pharmaceuticals. So what would be the difference between a Diagnostic Radiologist and a Nuclear medicine doc, if both use radiations for diagnosis ?

A Diagnostic Radiologist reads images generated by external radiations (Xrays, Ultrasound, etc) while a Nuclear Medicine physician interprets images generated by radioactive substances from within the body. It would not be wrong to call Nuclear Medicine as "Radiology done inside out". At least that's a generalization, overlaps are bound to occur.

Arrite - let's have a look at what you were really looking for on this post : The median, mid-career Incomes for doctors in Nuclear Medicine in USA:

Houston, TX: $260,000/-
Los Angeles, CA: $285,000/-
Miami, FL: $252,000/-
New York, NY: $295,000/-
Seattle, WA: $275,000/-
National Average : $250,000/-

Pretty high - thanks to these facts:

1. There are not many residency training positions in Nuclear Medicine
2. Insurance companies pay higher for procedures than for just advice-only patient visits

Agreed that salaries are lower than Diagnostic Radiology, but nuclear medicine still remains competitive for their relatively higher incomes in comparison to other medical branches and an excellent, controlled lifestyle.

How to Become a Nuclear Medicine Physician in America ?

Here are the some of the pathways available to become a Nuclear Medicine Physician in USA, ie. to be eligible to take the American Board of Nuclear Medicine Examination:

1. For Fresh Medical School Graduates: 
A year of clinical Preliminary / Transitional residency followed by at least two years of residency training in Nuclear Medicine.
A recent proposal (which may have already been implemented) was to increase this duration to 1 + 3 years instead of the 1+ 2 years.

2. For Diagnostic Radiologists (i.e. those who have completed Diagnostic Radiology Residency) :
One Year Fellowship in Nuclear Medicine (Most Private Practice Jobs out in the market prefer this background)

3. For Internal Medicine Physicians (i.e. those who have already completed Internal Medicine Residency) :
Two Years of Nuclear Medicine Residency

Note: While most residency programs in Nuclear Medicine accept candidate applications via the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS), they usually DO NOT participate in the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP).

Here are some sample Nuclear Medicine Residency programs:
Job Market Outlook for Nuclear Medicine

A major concern for people contemplating a career move to Nuclear Medicine in the USA has been the job market. There have been conflicting reports on how the job market for pure Nuclear Medicine physician looks - many opine that it is dismal since the private sector looks for general Radiologists with nuclear medicine skills instead of pure Nuclear Medicine physicians. However there should still be jobs out there in large specialty centers and dedicated academic centers in Nuclear Medicine. 

Now, having said all that, check out what Dr. Barry Siegel, professor of radiology and chief of the Division of Nuclear Medicine at Washington University, has to say about the future of Nuclear Medicine.

"My vision is probably not one that would make a lot of nuclear medicine people happy, but, I frankly see nuclear medicinefading into diagnostic radiology as a radiology sub-specialty. I think it is the only way it is going to be able to survive."
"General radiologists with nuclear medicine training of 4–6 months are eligible to read any nuclear medicine scan with no additional certification or training. Prospective employers prefer radiologists over nuclear medicine physicians, because the radiologists can read many other modalities in addition to nuclear medicine scans."
However, I choose to not make an opinion on the job market at this point for want of solid evidence or trend studies.

related Nice Books:

Physiatrist ( PM & R Physician ) Salaries in USA

Gaining popularity amongst the American Medical Graduates as a cool yet well paid and sophisticated specialty is Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ( PMR) and docs who complete residencies in PMR are called 'Physiatrists'. According to the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation :

"A physiatrist is a physician specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Physiatrists treat a wide range of problems from sore shoulders to spinal cord injuries. They see patients in all age groups and treat problems that touch upon all the major systems in the body. These specialists focus on restoring function to people."

Physicians, Physicists, Psychiatrists, Physiatrists....did I just succeed in jumbling up your mind ;-) yet these are all different entities...

Here are some income snapshots across samples cities

Houston, TX: $202,000/-
Los Angeles, CA: $220,000/-
Miami, FL: $195,000/-
New York, NY: $230,000/-
Seattle, WA: $215,000/-
National Average: $192,000/-

According to the AAMC, The annual salary for physiatrists ranges from $173,000 to $312,010.

How to Become a Physiatrist in the USA ?

Takes 4 years after Medical school - needs one year of General clinical residency ( Preliminary / Transitional Intern year) followed by a three year dedicated PM and R Residency. Only some programs will offer the total 4-year integrated program, for example, the PMR program at East Carolina University, which makes such programs more competitive. Others will need candidates to complete a year before entering their program.

What Fellowship options are available after PMR Residency ?

Some examples...
- Pain Medicine
- Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
- Interventional Spine and Musculoskeletal Medicine
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
etc. etc.

Useful books:

Psychiatrist Salary in USA

The average Psychiatrist Salary is calculated by the US Government Bureau of Labor Statistics from a variety of sources.  Psychiatrists work in a number of settings including hospitals, clinics and medical offices.  In 2011 average Psychiatrist Salary in USA was lower than in most medical fields, but were increasing.

New York, NY: $189,500/-
Los Angeles, CA: $181,000/-
Houston, TX: $166,000/-
Seattle, WA: $177,000

Psychiatrists are the highest paid public service employees in the county of Dutchess in New York, signaling a heightened demand and a waning supply - maybe the rising incomes will help bloom the supply in the coming years.

Specifically, a psychologist, Gatt, says: "Psychiatrists are in short supply. ... There's a great demand, and we're all competing for the same pool of people".

The other movement is on the corporate side: Companies are increasingly realizing the negative economic impact on productivity due to employee's work related stress. They are now buying health insurance packages for their employees which cover mental health services too, and that's good news for the Psych MDs !

According to the American Association of Medical Colleges:
"Psychiatry the fourth largest medical specialty. The number of qualified U.S. Medical Graduates selecting psychiatry residencies is insufficient to fill all of the positions. The annual salary for psychiatrists ranges from $168,251 to $248,195"
How to become a Psychiatrist in the USA?

A four year medical residency following medical school is what makes one a psychiatrist. Also there are combined residency programs like Family Practice / Psychiatry or Internal Medicine / Psychiatry which are 4 to 5 years long programs, but then pay-scales are higher too, especially if employed in a low-doctor supply area where the candidate doubles up as the psychiatrist and a primary care physician

Fellowship Options After Psych Residency

- Addiction Psychiatry
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Geriatric Psychiatry
- Pain Management

NOTE: Salaries here are the 50th Percentile Salaries and may apply to mid-career levels - the lower percentile salaries (for fresh physicians) may actually be lower by 30,000- 40,000 $